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Green Colored ContactsGreen Colored Contacts and You

Deciding whether or not green colored contacts are right for you really depends on what your natural eye color is. If you have darker colored eyes then green contacts will only be able to change your eye color to a slight degree and you won’t get the true green color that you are probably looking for. If you already have green, or slightly green eyes or perhaps blue eyes then you will most likely be able to get the color of green eyes that you want.

If you have light brown eyes then there is a good chance that using green colored contacts will have a dramatic effect and give you a good green color. Although colored contact lenses can be purchased relatively cheap it could get expensive trying out several colors until you get a color that you are happy with. To help you avoid spending lots of money trying out different colors most companies that sell cheap colored contacts will have examples of how different color contacts will change different color eyes. This way you can good a good idea of how a specific lens is going to make your eyes look.

When it comes to buying green colored contacts or any other color of lenses you do need to make sure that you have a prescription. Even if you are just purchasing colored contacts to change your eye color and not to correct any eye condition. This means you will need to go to an eye doctor and get your eyes checked out and get a prescription. When people here the words “non-prescription colored contacts” they believe they do not need to have a prescription to purchase them but in fact they do.

You will however find colored contacts without a prescription sold in many places but the shops that do this are breaking the law. The contacts you will find in such places can often times be unsafe so you are better off avoiding these and getting yourself a prescription and buying your colored contacts from a reputable dealer.

If you want to buy green colored contacts make sure you check around with different manufactures, different companies make different shades of green so if one company doesn’t have the color you want, maybe another company will. Using your favorite search engine to search for your contacts is a great way to find many different companies with many different colors to choose from. to get you started I have provide a link to a great site that has lots of colors to choose from. You can find green colored contacts at Aloha Contacts as well as many other great colors.

Good luck on your search!

Green Colored Contacts

Green Colored ContactsGreen Colored Contacts

Green colored contacts are very popular when it comes to colored contact lenses.

In fact of all the different color contacts you can buy today, green colored contacts get purchased more than any other color.

You can find green colored contacts in many different shades of green, shades such as jade green, emerald green and sea green can all be purchased. Of course you can find many other different shades as well.

Of course if green is not your thing you will be able to find many other colored contacts as well. There are of course blue colored contacts, brown colored contacts and even black colored contacts to name a few.

Maybe you don’t want just ordinary colored contacts and instead are looking for one of the many different crazy contact lenses that are available on the market. You can of course find cool contact lenses such as zombie contact lenses, cat eye contacts and smiley face contacts.

Of course this is just a small example of the many different types of cool contacts available today.

No matter what type of contacts you are looking for you will most likely need to get a prescription first, even if you are just looking for green colored contacts that do not help your vision. The reason for this is that most companies will not sell any type of contact lenses unless you have a prescription first.

They do this because even when the contact lens if for cosmetic purposes there is still a matter of them fitting your eye properly. Without a prescription you may get contacts that don’t fit correctly which can cause damage.

This being said, it is possible to buy cheap colored contacts non prescription, you just need to look a little harder to find a retailer that will sell them to you without a prescription. The best place to look is online. This is also a good place to find the best selection of cheap colored contacts, including green colored contacts.Sea-Green Colored Contacts

No matter what type of contacts you are looking for, it is best to get a prescription first, however if you do not want to spend the money for a prescription, then just start doing some research online and you will be sure to find a place to get your contact lenses from without a prescription.

Whether you are looking for cool contact lenses, cheap colored contacts or the perfect shade of green colored contacts, make sure you take proper care of both the contact lenses and your eyes. This includes making sure to use a good contact lens solution for cleaning and storing your contacts.

What are you waiting for? Get out there and find yourself the perfect green colored contacts for your style.